You are here: Setup > Store Setup > Sales Tax > How Sales Tax is Calculated

How Sales Tax is Calculated

The following example explains what it is that needs to be set up for the sales tax to be calculated for the item in LS POS.

Example: Sales Tax

What is going to be sold:

What needs to be set up?


In a real setting, the setup is not as simple as in the example above, but the method is. The sales tax amount is simply triggered in the sale itself depending on the way that it has been set up in the Site Manager.

For the sales tax to work in the LS POS it is fundamental that each sales line has values for the Item sales tax group and the Sales tax group. If either one is missing, the sales tax cannot be calculated for the sales line.

When the setup in the Site Manager is prepared and set up correctly then the LS POS works automatically regarding sales tax. The LS POS calculates sales tax automatically for a sales lines according to the data.




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